Friday, October 08, 2004

solitude - i've found myself pondering this idea a lot in the recent minutes, hours, and days of my life. in many cases solitude is something to be aspired towards. it's a goal people reach for as their private escape from the world around. i'm sick of my disconnection from the world. tired of passing day after day in a confined space where some things can't be said and even more can't be done. is this bad? what is my problem? i sit around and let the world and the people in it walk into (and out of) my life and never make an effort to do them the same courtesy. what personal hang-up lies on the underside of this condition i find myself in? why can't i embrace the world around me; the environment that i've been placed in? tonite i am acutely aware of the fact that i am a solitary kinda guy because in my quest to push off homework, i have found no one to join me.


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