Monday, October 25, 2004

my, my, my...what a fall break. i distinctly remember being severely pissed at my roommate who was jetting off to nyc for a weekend of... er, fun. however, upon realizing what i have learned in the scope of these four days at home i don't think a trip to the big apple was in order for me.
lets start with thursday, not on the break, but still important. for starters i took roomie into town to pick up some stuff he would need for his trip we talked and i babbled on about how jealous i was. came back to school and went to class to my only thursday class... 2pm on the day before a break; oh yes, bonus points were in order. came back, packed, left TU for a long weekend at home, with one stop, work for 6 hrs. but oh well.
friday i woke up and passed the daylight hours doing what i do best, spending hours of my life on the golf course! oh it was marvelous. dad and i and my associate pastor (and more accurately, friends) on what must have been the finest day in a while among its rainy counterparts, outdoors in the sun. the front nine, dad played with us, the back left me and dave. never have i enjoyed nine holes of golf more thoroughly.
talk on the front was typical male chit-chat: nice weather, crack a joke, etc. however on the back things were discussed that still have my head spinning. i'd like to believe that i'm open minded about any issue that crosses my path, but after talking at lenght about just how shitty our world is becoming, i think it's time to slam the door of tolerance. a brash statement i know, but i heard a song the other day that has resonated in my mind, goes a little something like... "you've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything." appropriate sentiment considering that election day is a week off and the results will determine the moral state of this country that i love. for a long time there has been talk of the inability to legislate morality, and while this idea was conceived (ahem, note this most recent word.) to separate church and state, i feel that the men who penned this idea would go into immediate cardiac arrest should they see the cesspool thier nation "conceived in liberty" has become.
at first glance my key issues for next tuesday were education, economics, global policy... in that order. however, after a little thought and reflection, i know that i was dooped into getting so caught up in worldly issues that i couldn't hear God saying, "hey what about Me?" after all, what do i have that God hasn't given to me? what do i have that's not all gonna burn someday anyhow? The undeniable answer came back to me, "i've got only one thing that soul." when spafford penned 'it is well with my soul' he didn't write 'it is well with my economic portfolio' or 'it is well with the rest of the world', he wrote, 'with my SOUL'. so i have to ask myself, is it well with my soul if i put someone in office who supports the "right" of doctors to kill babies as a form of birth control or for any other reason for that matter? (incidently, did you know that aborted babies are SOLD to research labs and sent FedEx throughout the country? how fucked up is that?) is it well with my soul to support someone who even remotely entertains the idea of desecrating the sanctity of marriage? (adam and eve, not adam and steve.) my answer must be a thundering NO, it's not ok. i once heard of a Christian who was asked, "Don't you think you're a little close-minded?" his response floored me. "Yeah, but I can afford to be, I'm right."


Blogger erica*ann said...

just curious... what about..."how can i support a man who sends people away to kill and be killed..?"

October 25, 2004 at 3:58 PM  

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