Tuesday, November 02, 2004

today i sprung from my couch excited like a child on christmas morning. why you may ask? well today it all stops. mudslinging that is. angry, greedy, ruthless political committees filling up valuable beer commercial time slots to let us know that thier candidate "approved this message."
i need to know why this election, at state and federal levels, has been so dirty. why is it that the focus shifted from the issues to the candidates. that sounds like a reasonable way to appoint the most powerful man in the world...lets have a popularity contest!! qualifications: who looks better on the cover of Rolling Stone, what do any number of musicians have to say about the candidates (the most ludicrous idea ever i think. lets have a concert where someone can stand on stage and give his/her political views when all the fans really want is to hear "Born in the USA".), who looks better in a flight suit, and last but certainly not least who's daughers are hotter (i love you barb and jenna) in true American spirit these factors will shape the next four years of my life.
even though you have to be a little excited about this whole mudslinging process this year. for the first time ever over a billion dollars was spent on advertising. this must be like the superbowl of elections...too bad no one was paying as much attention.


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